CITC2024 气悬浮轴承产业会议演讲内容
The program of foil bearing industrial meeting in CITC2024

演讲人:湖南大学 冯凯 机械院执行院长、教授

Title:Progress in modeling and experimental characterization of thrust foil bearings for oil free turbomachinery
Speaker:Daejong Kim / The University of Texas at Arlington
Abstract: Foil bearing is one of the air/gas-lubricated hydrodynamic (or aerodynamic) bearings that do not require an auxiliary oil lubrication system. The bearing surface is typically made of thin metallic foil and is supported by a compliant structure providing structural stiffness and damping to the bearing. The most popular compliant structure is a corrugated metal, the bump foil. Foil bearing is a widely used oil-free bearing technology along with active magnetic bearings. In contrast to the magnetic bearing, foil bearings work at extremely high temperatures, up to 650oC and cryogenic temperatures, if the lubricating gas media has proper viscosity.
In recent years, foil bearings have found use in many industrial applications where oil-free operation is advantageous, such as gas turbine generators, turbo blowers, and refrigeration compressors. The bearing load capacity is typically presented in terms of the specific load capacity (SLC), which is load capacity divided by the bearing projection area (shaft diameter times bearing length). Conventional foil bearings have sufficient SLC (100~200kPa) at high speeds and for intended applications. However, at low-speed operations such as startup and shutdown, the load capacity can be inadequate, especially for large-scale turbomachines, due to the heavy weight of the rotor. Hybridization with other load-supporting mechanisms is one way to improve the load capacity of the foil bearing. In hybrid foil bearing (HFB), externally pressurized air/gas is injected into the clearance of the bearing to levitate the shaft. The concept of hybridization has been applied to both radial and axial foil bearings.
This presentation provides recent progress in analytical models and experimental characterization of thrust foil bearings developed and tested at TESLAB including hybrid trust foil bearings.

全国滑动轴承标准化技术委员会秘书处 黄刚 副主任委员

演讲人:陈玉辉  珠海格力电器股份有限公司 
演讲人简介:陈玉辉 格力电器气悬浮离心压缩机技术专家,珠海市青年优秀人才,格力电器气悬浮压缩机技术专家,长期致力于气悬浮离心式压缩机技术研发,完成气悬浮制冷离心压缩机、燃料电池空压机等多种气浮轴承产品研究与开发。获中国机械工业技术发明一等奖、广东省技术发明一等奖等多个奖项。
Title:Application of Dynamic Pressure Air Foil Bearings for Refrigeration Centrifugal Compressors
Abstract:Application of Dynamic Pressure Air Foil Bearings for Refrigeration Centrifugal Compressors
Report abstract: the report focuses on the application of foil bearings in refrigeration compressors, analyzes the
problems of low viscosity, large pressure difference, high bearing load and bearing-rotor stability under multi-source disturbance, studies the carrying characteristics of high-load foil bearings with “double leaf foils and double top foil” as well as multi-segment high-stiffness air-floating rotor structure, and carries out experiments on rotor amplitude,long-term start-stop and surge under variable speeds, which consequentially lead to a success of an air bearing refrigeration centrifugal compressor and mass production and applications. Finally, this report introduces the application of foil bearings in air compressors for the automotive fuel cell,which is on the list of "13th Five-Year" national key research and development programs.

CV of speaker:Zhang Zhiping, Professor-level Senior Engineer/Assistant Manager of Commercial Air Conditioning Technology Department,a professor-level senior engineer, has long been committed to the key technological innovation and industrialization research of large-scale centrifugal compressors and HVAC equipment. He has undertaken and participated in 6 major national scientific and technological projects. 8 scientific and technological achievements have reached the international leading level, including the world's first high-power high-speed direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous variable-speed centrifugal compressor, 4.5MW magnetic bearing centrifugal compressor, the first high-efficiency dynamic pressure air bearing centrifugal compressor in China, whose research achievements not only greatly improve the energy efficiency of centrifugal compressors but also guide to their development direction. He has acquired more than 60 authorized invention patents, 1 second prize of national technological invention award, 5 provincial first prizes, and 3 Chinese excellence patent awards.

演讲人:赵雪源 中车株洲电机有限公司流体装备事业部总经理
Title:Issues with Gas Foil Bearings in Engineering Applications
Abstract:Gas foil bearings and their related products have become increasingly mature in engineering applications, covering fields such as high-energy compression, HVAC refrigeration, energy generation, national defense and military industries. The product types include gas compressors, refrigeration compressors, waste heat recovery generators, and air cycle machines. In recent years, with the rapid expansion of products and a deeper understanding of the industry, the market demand has placed higher requirements on the applicability of gas foil bearing technology. Based on the current technological status and future industrial needs, the report outlines the development trends and existing issues of gas foil bearings in future engineering applications.

演讲人:南国鹏 中国商飞上飞院机械动力工程技术所副所长
Title:Civil Aircraft Air Conditioning System reliability design and verification
Abstract:Air Conditioning System is used to control cabin temperature, pressure, flow in aircraft and ensure the safety and comfort of aircraft and passengers.  The report introduces the main architecture, critical reliability design requirements, product reliability design of key  components such as ACM, and system reliability verification of civil aircraft air conditioning systems, and introduce the common failure cases of air conditioning system in civil aircraft.

演讲:马雷 势加透博(成都)科技有限公司副总经理
Title:Application and Development Prospects of Dynamic Pressure Air Suspension Compressor Industry
Abstract:High-speed direct drive is the main method to improve the performance and reliability of small and medium-sized turbines, and dynamic pressure air suspension bearings are one of the key technologies to achieve this method. Dynamic pressure air suspension bearing have advantages such as oil-free, compact size, low friction, low noise, and low vibration. With the continuous development of engineering applications such as hydrogen fuel cell air compressors and high-speed suspension blowers, the domestic technology of dynamic pressure air suspension bearings is gradually maturing, and the bearing capacity and temperature resistance are constantly improving. Dynamic pressure air suspension bearings will make breakthroughs in higher power and higher temperature application scenarios, making contributions to the country's energy saving and emission reduction and the development of high-speed rotating machinery.

演讲人:徐方程 技术总监 宙斯能源动力科技(大连)有限公司 
Title:Aerodynamic Foil Bearing Technology for Aircraft Air Cycle Machines(ACM)
Abstract:Air Cycle Machine (ACM) in aircraft is responsible for maintaining a comfortable air environment for passengers on board. The system is capable of providing a specific temperature, air pressure, and humidity within the cabin, which is one of the most crucial on-board systems in aircraft. The report introduces the classical structure, performance simulation and the progress of the experiment of aerodynamic foil bearings for civil airliners in the context of the operating environment and parameter requirements of the high-speed oil-free turbo-machinery of the ACM. Furthermore, the report also presents the progress of localisation and the industrial demand.

演讲人:朱建军 博士 东莞青锐科技有限公司
Title:Several Typical Engineering Applications for Foil Gas Bearings

Abstract:As the key component of high-speed rotating machinery, foil gas bearings have the advantages of high speed, long life, no lubrication, low maintenance cost, good adaptability, good impact resistance and stability, and have been widely applied in air suspension blowers, air compressors, turbo-expanders, aircraft environmental control systems (ACM), etc. The report gives a brief introduction to the practical applications of foil gas bearing in the above fields, and summarizes the main existing problems in the current applications.

题目:Performance Analysis of Turbomachinery for High-power Hydrogen Fuel Cells
演讲人:河北金士顿科技有限责任公司 孔庆奕博士
Speaker: Dr.Qing-yi Kong, ZCJSD

演讲人: 华涧新能源科技(上海)有限公司 待定
Speaker:Sinobrook New Energy Technologies (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.